Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Everything in nature seems to have a purpose. Sometimes this purpose isn’t readily apparent or understood but if you look hard enough you will find the reason why things work the way they do.
We call the natural occurring things on this planet, “nature” but does that nature also apply to the Universe? Why wouldn’t it? Granted the Universe may not work on the same principles and physical laws we have here on Earth but are we really different or are we just a microcosm of a much bigger and more complex environment?
My point boys and girls is simply this, if everything has a purpose then what in the hell are stars for? What about the other planets and asteroids and comets and black holes?
They are not there just for us to marvel at. They were there before we existed, so what are they there for? What is the Earth for? Not us!
If the whole nature thing rings true then there must be a purpose for all that space junk that we just cannot figure out yet.
Our own pansy-ass little yellow star, our Sun; is there to give us life, isn’t it? Well maybe not. Again if it all existed before we did then it wasn’t here for us. And if we are the only carbon-based life forms in our Solar System then it wasn’t made for us. There is something else going on here that we can’t see. Something that has been going on for billions of years with us or without us. So that being the case, we are not relevant in the process.
Scientists have been trying to figure out how we were created and why and how we fit in to everything. Well, the answer is, we don’t fit into anything, we’re an anomaly and as such the how and why of our creation is totally irrelevant.
If a cow gives birth to a two headed calf, other than to stop it from happening again; we don’t try to figure it out or how the creation of a two headed cow fits in to everything, we just either kill it or sell it to a circus. Afterward we press on as though it didn’t happen. The two-headed cow is an accident not new life springing eternal. The fact that Earth supports life is also irrelevant because supporting life was not the purpose of this planet. Life on this planet is accidental and it didn’t start with humans. It started with something much different and for most of the time life flourished on this planet, that life was not human.
The only reason we believe human life is “special” is because of our intelligence and in our
Cognizance we created religion so that we would be separate from nature and spiritually headed for a higher reward than just returning to the elements.
But where in religion is it said that Dinosaurs walked the Earth? Where are the Wooly Mammoths and Saber Toothed Tigers?
If God created all things he would certainly have bragged about the giant Lizards! These creatures lived before us so they would have been created before us and it would be in the holy books of our various religions, but they’re not.
The Christian Bible says God created man and then woman and then the animals, birds, fish, reptiles and bugs. But we know all those things existed before us so why oh why don’t we smart humans get it?
The bible also tells us that Adam and Eve populated the Earth which can only mean that incest wasn’t the exception it was the rule. But wait, recent scientific knowledge tells us that not only do we all come from one female source, through the tracking of Mitochondria DNA but that females are twice as old as males. Hmm what?
The oldest female Mitochondria DNA which only women have is 170,000 years old, while the oldest Y chromosome which only men have is only about 84,000 years old.
What’s that mean? Well it means for a long ass time women were somehow begetting other women until they got really tired of plain oatmeal and decided to create apple cinnamon oatmeal (man), for a little sugar and spice. Or not. Who the hell knows what it means but it means something.
While I have your attention let’s go over one more thing. If God truly existed in the form that we have been led to believe then God is perfect, is [it] not? Well then babies, by definition if you are perfect you cannot make a mistake, you cannot create that, which is imperfect.
Are humans perfect incapable of mistakes? Could God have made Adam and Eve to disobey [it], even if [it] wanted too? No not if God were perfect.


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