Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Object Lesson

Winged brilliance, awesome in their power and might. To look on one would be foolish indeed, but then how would you kill them?
Rather like dog fighting I suppose. Long before airplanes were invented of course.
Lure them in, make them over confident, they will come in swarms these Seraphim. Six wings and four heads known to some as fiery serpents, to others dragons and still to others the highest ranking angels in heaven sitting on both sides of the Thrown.

They are Heavens Henchmen these Seraphim. Two wings for flight two to cover the eye’s for even they cannot look upon HIS brilliance and two to cover the genitalia.

The mightiest and most popular one? “Lucifer” after he lost the Angel Wars as Satan of course.

Over confident they will come in low and fast breathing fire from each of four heads and their entire body ablaze. You will need a distraction to stop their forward motion only for a second. It will happen so fast it will be very difficult to keep up. With their forward motion halted and their attention distracted for only a moment they will fall to the Earth.

Where if you have done your job they will fall upon huge black pointed obelisks impaling themselves to die and rot to bone only their wings still feathery and full after millennia.

These appear everywhere on Earth after the last Great Angel War. Only the true, not blinded by faith can see them, only those that believe in nothing at all will the truth be revealed. Sometimes I go to my favorite place by a high Alpine lake where I sit next to large lake rocks partially submerged, atop which you can see through the clear pristine water into the depths of that particular graveyard and see the huge skeletons impaled there on those black stone monolithic weapons of Angelic destruction. Only their huge wings still heave and bob in cadence to the gravitational forces of the moon.

Of course this is not the work of man but merely an object lesson for times to come!


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