Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Tookie Williams

All this BS over Tookie Williams is a perfect example of why we shouldn’t take 25 years to carry out death sentences.

First – Why does he or any other convict get to write and publish anything from prison? If I got free room and board and didn’t have to work for a living I could write and get published too. Would that mean I would get a get out jail free card just in case I felt like killing someone later?
Prisoners should be locked away in their cells and not allowed to do anything or watch television or listen to radio or write or draw or paint or exercise or anything else. They should be fed in their cells and only allowed out 30 minutes a week for a shower.

If they flood their cells or do anything to protest they should just have to live with whatever mess they made in their cell.

Second – The only reason people feel bad for ole Tookie is because he’s all alone with his little self and whining like a little girl. No one remembers the people he killed or the grief their families felt because it’s been so long. His victims are all long forgotten and now it seems as though he’s being mistreated because no one sees or hears anyone but poor, poor lil Tookie.

If Tookie Williams really has changed, good for him. Hopefully where ever he goes next will judge him accordingly unless he meets those he killed. They probably won’t care at all about his little anti-gang-banger books.
Here in this world he’s already been judged accordingly.


Blogger Mylissa said...

Here! Here! I completely agree. These people have taken lives away from other people, better people. They are in prison to have their life taken from them. Not for free room and board while they do whatever the *F* they want preparing to return to the real world. Prison is suppose to be a punishment, a time to reflect on their wrongdoings ~ not to exercise and lift weights and make friends with other criminals. Our judicial system has it all wrong. Complete Crap! And for the people that say it's inhumane, think about how inhumane it is for a child to have a father or mother taken from him because someone needs to be accepted into a Gang!

Sorry for the rant. But that definitely got my blood flowing this morning ~ Thank you!

7:13 AM  

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