Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006



In an earlier post I explained how according to the oldest documents known to man, the Sumerian Tablets, that the Annanuki are supposed to return by the year 2012. I explained that since the Annanuki were basically Gods and our creators, for the purpose of using us as slave labor to mine their gold, that this meeting would probably not be a welcome one.

Now, it’s become known that the Mayan calendar which is also very old and has for years puzzled scientist in its accuracy, also ends in the year 2012.

Hmm, coincidence? I think not.


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