Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Monday, February 27, 2006

My Kingdom for a Boat!

I need a boat, yes a boat. But not just any boat. I need a 45 foot sailing yacht to take me to those places I want to go.
Those places I need to go. Those places with brown naked body’s and cold cold beer!
Yes I would sail away on my boat to go get drunk on the other side of the ocean.
Along the way I could finally get some rest. Rest I tell you, REST!
I could also fish and play a harmonica as loud as I wanted, disturbing only those fish I caught but hey what do they know? After all they’re just FISH!!
My boat of course would have a satellite dish for television, telephone and internet. I would watch movies drink margaritas and drive my boat. When I got where I was going I would park it and live on it until that particular port through me out. Then I would drive it somewhere else drinking margaritas, playing my harmonica and watching movies along the way.
Yes indeed that is what I need to do and THAT is why I need a boat.


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