Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Wow, it’s 2007!! I know I haven’t written for awhile but maybe that’s because I didn’t have anything to say. No? You can’t believe that? Well maybe I just got tired of beating a dead horse. We in the World and most specifically in the U.S. have this super ability to keep dredging up and harping on the same old crap until people want to kill themselves.
But, now I have to wade in on a subject that bugs the shinola out of me. What is that you ask?
Some nitwit, (dumb-ass); has seen the face of Jesus Christ on the side of a tree in some ones yard. Yes my friends if there were truly a GOD; an omnipotent being that created the entire fucking Universe, you know they would announce their presence by appearing on some random tree in some random yard in nowhere USA just so dogs would have something to look at while pissing!
But, THAT is not what truly irritates me. No. What truly irritates me is that once again this image of a face, (which by the way is one of the abilities of Humans; to see facial images in many things); this image looks like the white mans GOD. Yes, most Caucasians’ believe Jesus Christ looks like one of the Bee Gees!
Can anyone say “Stayin Alive, Stayin Alive”
First off there was no Jesus Christ. But, if there truly was a Jesus Christ, he would have looked like all the others in that area of the World at that period of time. Negroid probably, Mediterranean, big nosed, olive skinned Muslim looking seven-eleven clerk maybe. But DEFINITELY NOT Barry Gibbs!
Let’s go back a couple of thousand years to the Middle East. No plumbing, no electricity, no Wal-Mart’s, no Super-Cuts, no toothbrushes or paste, no combs or even money to buy these things if they existed. Because where these things did exist, they were friggen expensive that only the very wealthy could afford. Why? Because there was no industry or manufactures of any kind. There were no plastics, no aluminum or anything that said “made in Taiwan”.
Jesus would have looked like a terrorist; he would have smelled like shit, piss and sweat! He would have been filthy; his fingernails would have been caked with crap and untrimmed. His toenails would have been long jagged and probably yellow and blackish.
His hair and whiskers would have been untrimmed long and scraggly, filthy and matted with sweat, dirt and who knows what and probably crawling with lice and maggots and his teeth would be black and rotting out of his mouth, what teeth he had left anyway. Remember, according to the Bible when Jesus became known as a Prophet, he was in his thirties. Life expectancy back then wasn’t much longer then that despite all the bullshit about people living 900 years. Those people in that part of the World are extremely ignorant even today and back then you couldn’t expect any one to know when anyone was born or died or even how old they really were. There wasn’t records kept or DMV’s issuing Donkey Riding Licenses or anything like that. Tell me if you didn’t have a birth certificate or a baby book or pictures or anything with a date on it, would you know how old you were?
Has anyone heard of The Bee Gees lately? Maybe ole Barry snuck over and carved his likeness into that tree hoping to make a come back. Alas his dreams were snuffed out when some religious nut saw it first instead of a big collared, angle flight wearing fancy disco boy covered in bling bling and cheap perfume strutting down the street grabbing his crotch!