Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Monday, March 21, 2005

As Ants go, So Go We.

Have you ever tried to explain to an Ant that you are not God? Have you ever tried to explain anything to an Ant? Have you ever talked to an Ant? Do you even think about Ants? Do you care about Ants?

If you’re like most the answer to these questions is NO, in fact it’s doubtful you have ever even thought about the questions or how you would answer them.

When Ants invade my space I kill them, every last one of the little buggers. Why? Well I guess because I can, because I don’t give them a seconds thought, because they are miserable little pests that I don’t like crawling around in my domain.

Since I am the God of my domain and master of everything in it I decide what lives or dies in my presence, period.

There is no prejudice, no vengeance, not any animosity whatsoever, just my wishes are supreme rule in my domain.

There have been many times that I have found the tiny critters crawling all over the kitchen counter and without a moments hesitation I reached for the bug spray and annihilated the whole rotten bunch of em! Without thought, without malice, almost subconsciously without even thinking they were living creatures in this Universe I promptly slaughtered every single last mother’s son of em! Do Ants come in women and children? Do they come in young and old? Do they come in crippled and retarded, sick or injured?

It doesn’t matter to me, I kill them all every, stinking last one of them!!!

I can kill them if I want to. I can kill them any way that I want to. I can kill as many or as few as I want with absolutely no foreseeable consequences for having done so.

Do Ants have a brain? Do they have any intelligence at all? Do Ants feel pain, emotion, fatigue? Do they know each other? Are they social critters living in family units nurturing one another?

Who knows? Who cares? They are just Ants!

Imagine an Ant going about its business searching out food, constantly hunting or working or guarding or doing all those things Ants do.

Imagine upon leaving the group as all the other Ants bid it farewell and good hunting. The Ant goes far a field searching for food to bring back to the others or to scout it out and leave a trail for the others to follow and help plunder the Ant booty and bring it triumphantly home!

Now imagine this Ant making the unforgivable mistake of trespassing onto my domain. Where being noticed means paying the ultimate price, death for having merely allowed me to see it.

Death comes quickly, severely and absolutely without a thought of Ant mamas, papas, siblings or friends and associates who will miss and grieve the passing of there child, sibling, friend or colleague.

The mere fact that Ants may be aware of each other and missed is beyond our supreme intelligence or our almighty “givashitness”!

Do you think Ants believe in a religion? Do you think they believe in a God or possibly even our God?

Do you think that they wonder why there fellow Ant/s was taken? Do you think they wonder why their God has forsaken them and for some unknown reason has chosen not to protect them? Do you think they believe that God works in mysterious ways?

The fact is no matter what they believe, they probably don’t even know of our existence. We can stand next to them towering majestically above them like several Empire State buildings stacked on top of one another and yet they with all of their Ant intelligence probably can’t even comprehend us. If they notice anything at all they may think for one second that there is an impenetrable object, mountain or whatever in their path and then the next second this mighty object is gone. They probably think at times that they need Ant spectacles, or that they are losing their little Ant minds or perhaps they think they just need to lay off smoking so much Ant pot. Maybe their little Ant brains are wired so that they can’t know of us. Because if in fact they knew of our existence and that although like Gods to them we were just dumb-ass mortals in our own world, how pathetic would that make them?

Maybe we are not as big as we think we are.

As Ants go so go we.


Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

I think you took that analogy a bit to far. But I get your point. I think you need to get past this whole issue with being pissed off at God since you're not even certain you believe in Him.
That's just my opinion.

2:16 PM  
Blogger half_cent said...

Virgo, I know in fact that I do not believe in a God.
As far as my analogy goes, hey it's my analogy and I'll take it as far as I want.
I'm not pissed off at God, rather it's the mindless (I gotta have a daddy looking after me); morons that tend to piss me off.
Go ask Nick Berg what he thinks of your God, oh yea you can't because one of Gods people done went and cut his head off!

2:28 PM  
Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

Morons. Wow, but I won't waste time being offended. I am inclined to agree and disagree with you regarding the behavior of some believers. There are Christians that behave in ways that make me want to cringe. However, every organization that is composed of people is bound to have some fools that make the rest of them look bad. Example, there are many shameful politicians in this country, and I often disagree with their policies and laws, but that doesn't mean that democracy doesn't work. I'm not going to become a communist just because George Bush pisses me off. Basically, human frailty and fault doesn't cancel out God's existence.

6:51 AM  
Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

I can assure you it was not one of "God's people" who killed Nick Berg. It was just another fool. Please learn to distinguish between the 2.
If you're interested

7:14 AM  

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