Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Muslims are just children that need a good spanking!

My first reaction to the latest Muslim terror attacks was to just kill all Muslims in the world.
Actually there is no logical answer to “why not?” from my perspective.
If all Muslims in the world were gone, what would it matter? What do they really contribute to the world other than to create suffering and to keep the people who follow Islam oppressed and ignorant?
Why does the world need Muslims? Who would miss them?
The problem is if we killed them all, they would come back over and over and over again. Maybe not in the form of Muslims but in some other ignorant childlike people who seem to be indigenous to the Middle East.
Is there really a GOD? No.
Is there really some disembodied energy floating around in space watching after us? No.
These are all myths started in the Middle East to control mindless ignorant people who are incapable of managing their own destiny.
Because they are “managed” they’ve never evolved and progressed with the rest of the world.
I am completely amazed at the rest of the world’s belief in religion when they know where it all supposedly started!
The world knows people in the Middle East are ignorant and stupid. The world knows that these people are backward by design and have always been controlled by mass psychological concepts like religion.
The rest of the world knows that pretty much all the beliefs and concepts in the Middle East are ridiculous and only those that have not evolved could even believe in such non-sense.
The rest of the world has bought into the whole religion theory hook, line and sinker. Why? Because human beings are nurtured after birth for so long, 18 years that after leaving the nest the idea of not having a parent watching over us is too foreign to even imagine.
Humans in general have the parent, protector concept so imprinted on our psyches that we can’t let go of it. Thus the whole GOD concept.
GOD doesn’t exist because he’s real; he exists because humans need him to feel safe.
I believe in the early stages of Judaism that the Jews “Country” was basically named because of everyone asking about their beliefs and they constantly had to tell people that God is real. Thus Israel was born. (I know Is real;(English) didn’t exist yet but hay it sounds good.
How does this all fit into why we won’t gain anything by killing Muslims?
Because it isn’t just Islam that is “crap”! It’s religion as a whole.
Without yin you don’t have yang, without light you can’t grasp darkness, without good there is no evil.
Without religion there is no Islam, just a bunch of poorly dressed nuts running around in dirty laundry.
Muslims hate the rest of the world because they are basically jealous of what the rest of the world has become with their God and they can’t understand why Allah has let this happen to them.
Since they believe Allah is the one and only true God why has the rest of the world evolved and prospered when they have not.
The only answer their tiny little minds can construe is that they have been “true” to the old rules and that is what Allah wants them to do and therefore the new ways are wrong and they must do everything they can to destroy it in Allah’s name.
After all if their God is real and the new ways were the “right way” wouldn’t they have it all?
As long as religion is allowed to exist then Islam will exist or some other cult or force in the world that will continue to drag the world down.
When religion is finally debunked and the world takes that energy and resources and focuses it on peace and invention and the quest for scientific knowledge the world will truly become one and the ignorant people of the world will be bathed in the light of understanding.
God said, “Let there be light, and there was light and the light was good.”


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