Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I Am

I am the wind whistling through the trees.
I am the breeze that cools on a hot summers day.
I am the hot summers day.
I am the twinkling stars.
I am the glint of light on the ocean.
I am that invisible half noticed motion in the corner of your eye at night when you could swear you saw something move only to look at nothing there.
I am the unseen entity near the ceiling of the room that so mesmerizes babies and small dogs.
I am the noise at night when you’re tucked away in bed and suddenly wakened by the unknown.
I am the rattling window pains and the staccato of the driven rain against the roof.
I am the chill on a winter’s morn.
I am the inner voice warning you where not to tread.
I am that harsh nod that pulls you from the dark place while driving.
I am that perfect song that plays at that perfect moment.
I am the flame that hypnotizes around a fire.
I am that one smell that moves you back in time.
I am that memory that makes you smile for no reason at all.
I am the tear that is shed for past loves and dear memories.
I am the warm dry place the makes you feel secure.
I am that goofy face you make in the mirror when no one is looking.
I am the song sung in the shower.
I am the tune that is unconsciously hummed.
I am the longing for the past.
I am the hope for the future.
I am that tremor that runs through your body making you shake as if you’re cold.
I am that crisp breath of morning air.
I am the shade from the burning Sun.
I am that quick nap on a stuffy afternoon.
I am the anticipation on Christmas morning.
I am the excitement at night before a big day.
I am that glorious feeling while making love.
I am love.
I am that first drink of frosty cold beer.
I am that feeling at dusk that reminds you of being a kid.
I am that feeling in the morning when you can sleep in.
I am the sound of a babbling brook.
I am the excitement of returning home after a long absence.
I am that brief moment when you can laugh like a child.
I am the rush of a carnival ride.
I am the innocence of a baby.
I am the wisdom of the ages.
I am the tissue thin skin of the elderly.
I am the musky smell of large cities.
I am the sound of tropical rain forests.
I am the unknown curiosity of the sea.
I am the vacuum of space.
I am the cool dampness of caves.
I am the desire to be more than I am.
I am all things that are yet to be.
I am that which makes us come back time after time.

I am life.


Blogger Wayne World said...

Half_Cent, Maybe you should start playing again. Maybe your son can communicate to you through your music.I don't want to even begin to realize how painful it must be.I think the love that the two of you share, is strong enough to move mountains.

9:11 AM  

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