Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have everything while others seem to have nothing? Okay sure some people work hard and others don’t but hey that’s part of the inequity.
Yes I know that within a certain discipline those that work harder than others tend to have more than others but wait, what about those that dig trenches for a living compared to those idiots in Hollywood that make millions for play acting. The professional athletes that make millions for playing a game! What about Katie Currick or god forbid Martha Stewart?
There are children movie stars that have at 10 years old more than most of us will ever have!
Why? Seriously, why?
How about bringing it down a few levels to where most of us reside, every day America. Why do some of us with more education and more experience and more common sense wind up working for people who have none of that? If you ask those “boss’s” they’ll say it’s because I’ve been around for a long time and just know stuff! Bullshit! They don’t know stuff! In reality they do not have any answers and that is what I’m asking here, why oh why is there such an inequity in the world?
I think sometimes that the inequity is more a result of Karma than anything else. But, before you get excited I don’t mean you reap the result of your last life’s actions, no I mean that over many lifetimes people get everything. Perhaps we all get a chance to be everything. That would certainly explain the inequity and although it may not make you feel better this time around if you’re a have not, it does give you something to look forward too.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005



Yes on this first day of the rest of my life I am pondering many things such as why people of faith can only see their way of life, their God, their salvation.

Why do we think of the mountains or the jungles or the deserts as a wilderness but not cities and towns?

And I would truly like to know once and for all, “Is the Moon made out of cheese”?

We know or else we should that life is the illusion, right? If you believe that we go on after we “go on”; how can anyone possibly think that a few short years on Earth has priority over eons of time spent elsewhere?

Also, it seems to me that with all our technology and weapons and brainiacs that what will eventually doom the human race is a virus. Yes folks the Flu. Think about it, god creates dinosaurs, god kills dinosaurs, god creates man, man kills god, and dinosaurs kill man. Birds are dinosaurs don’t you know and the Flu is the Avian Flu which means birds. Holy Crap! That tall lanky smart bastard was right!! Yes a virus will bring the mighty humans down.

Have you ever just thought about a river? A river that has been flowing for millions of years continuously flowing past the same spot, never running dry, always moving, millions of gallons every day 24 hours a day 7 days a week forever!
That is a lot of water! Where does it come from and why doesn’t it run out? Yes I know technically it is fed by streams and runoff from the rain and snow but come on! Forever!

Have you ever heard of the Irukundji? These little critters are only a centimeter long and can kill you. They are the smallest, as far as we know; of the box jelly fish but unlike other jellies these little critters venom is a thousand times more potent than a Cobra’s. Plus unlike other jellies these Irukundji have primitive brains, they swim instead of just drift and they have eyes that see the world in proper perspective no matter what position they are in. Now, why in fucking hell is there such a nasty dangerous little tiny creature that you can’t even see in existence? What was that bitch, Mother Nature thinking? It is said that if it gives you a lethal sting, an adult will die within 2 minutes and half the time you don’t know you have been stung until your dying because unlike other jellies it doesn’t inject it’s venom through multiple outlets so the venom takes longer to get into your system. Again, what is the purpose of such a wicked little thing? You know the Earth is constantly bombarded by Meteorites, most of which fall harmlessly into the oceans. Could it be that the Irukundji are creatures from space that have arrived here on a burning rock? These little Alien bastards are pretty much all over the world but tend to stay in warmer waters around the equator.

Can a Camel really fit through the eye of a needle?

Monday, October 17, 2005

Such a Negative Society We Live In……

Why are we, humans; so negative? Why do we practice negative reinforcement instead of positive?
How did we get this way?
I believe religion is at fault. Think about it. What else has seemingly endured since the beginning that teaches us that if we screw up we are going to burn in Hell forever and ever!
Growing up I was never told to clean my room or do my homework or be in on time so I could get a prize, or a treat or even a hug.
No, I was told as were all my friends that if I didn’t clean my room I would get the tar knocked out of me. First of all folks, how did I get tar in me and what is it for and why should it be knocked out of me? If it’s in me shouldn’t it be there and shouldn’t I keep it? I mean, don’t I need it?
People of my generation and that of those previous all believed in going to church. Why? Not because they believe in God but because they believe in Satan!!
They are not religious because they want to go to Heaven, no indeed not; they are religious because they do not want to go to Hell!
Do you tell your children to go to bed so they can dream of naked girls?
Oh wait a minute, that’s me.
Do you tell them to go to bed so they can wake up refreshed and ready to meet the day or do you tell them to go to bed or you’ll kick their ass!
Do you lose your temper with them and tell them you will tear their arm off and beat them with it?
Wouldn’t it be nice to grow up in a world where making a mistake was a good learning experience and not the crippling social malady that ours currently is?
When you think of drinking and driving do you think that you might wreck and kill someone or do you first think you might get busted and charged with a DUI, which would certainly cost you thousands of buckies?
Look at all the problems in the world today regarding religion – it’s almost always negative. If you’re not Muslim you face being killed by terrorists. Even the parents of Palestinian children would rather see their kids dead than a Jew live.
This world is pretty fucked up, wouldn’t you say?Don’t agree because I’m right, agree with me or else I’ll kick your ass!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


It would appear that autumn is upon the left coast and that ready or not summer is being given the boot. It doesn’t yet feel like my good time summer days should be over. I know we have had some hot days this year but it feels like summer went by way too quickly. Maybe it was just that I waited for so long for it to get here that it just seemed shorter. It doesn’t seem like I got to do all the things I fantasized doing back in April. I didn’t get to the ocean enough, didn’t get to the mountains enough, I certainly didn’t get to eat enough Lingcod and Abalone! I’ve yet to get any Scallops.
I don’t think I did much of anything these last few months except work. What’s up with that? Work pretty much sucks.
Well the one bright spot is that fall and winter ushers in those other things to do like go crabbing, maybe get in a Lobster dive, hey wouldn’t that be fun. Diving into the pitch black Pacific at night descending to 100 feet or so and then sticking your hand into dark places where only evil lurks! Yeah baby!
This time of year always brings on a feeling in me that I need to start anew. Like I need some life altering moment to get me jazzed about life again. Maybe it’s just because I know the holidays are coming and I have come to abhor the holidays. Too many people running around with big jerky smiles on their faces, giggling and laughing, and buying presents and food and basically exploding with joviality all over the place!
No! That is not for me. Leave me to my sorrow and let me drink alone! If I drink enough to get happy then maybe I’ll join the party but let it be my choice. I see way to many joyful people with eyes that give them away. Their faces look like Chocolate Sundaes but their eyes look like they are trying way too hard and falling short of actually believing themselves to be happy.
I guess I could go hunting; after all it is that time of year as well. I haven’t been hunting in years but if memory serves, I always felt better after killing something. Especially if I get to eat it afterward!
What is all this crap on the news about the Supreme Court Justices being selected? Who gives a fuck? It’s not like it really has anything to do with us, the great unwashed! We pretty much get screwed no matter what happens in Washington. No matter what Party is in power, no matter what laws get passed or who gets appointed to what, we the people take it up the funny pipe regardless.
So remember, let me drown my sorrows alone in my beer this dreary end of year holiday laden politician screwing season and just maybe, if you see me with a smile on my face I’ll buy you a drink and toast to all the dumb-ass’s running around grinning as though they don’t have to get up and go to work in the morning.

VI - The Captive

Taking the arrow with me I crossed the street, shuddering as I stepped around the Dark Warrior. My life came as close to ending as it ever had. If not for the archer it most certainly would have.
But who was the archer? Why were they there, where did they come from? Why did they run off?
I decided to try and find out so I went through the hedgerow and started following the path I thought the person would have taken.
Whoever it was they had to be fast and quiet because I couldn’t see a trace of them and there was absolutely no noise.
I was beginning to get freaked out at the lack of noise. What was it? Were there creatures about?
I quickly ducked under some low hanging branches and stopped. Listening hard for several minutes.
Ah there it was, in the background barely audible. Noise off in the distance, people talking, cussing, laughing. Must be a gang in one of these vacant homes.
I figured I would find out what was going on. I didn’t really have anything else to do.
I silently eased out from under the tree and headed toward the noise.
Because of the darkness I was stumbling along the path and each time I would stop for a second and listen for something that may have heard me.
As I got closer the noise grew louder and I started hearing and making out some of the words.
It sounded like they were talking about someone and to that someone at the same time.
As I came up to a block wall and peered over I could just make out through a large window a group of people maybe 5 or 6 standing around a small fire burning in the middle of the room.
Two of them had rifles and one was carrying what looked like a sword. They were drinking and laughing and looking at something on the ground.
Another person was lying on the floor in front of them. I couldn’t tell what the situation was but it looked as though the one on the floor was their captive. From my vantage point I couldn’t make out whether it was a girl or boy due to the way they were dressed.
Every once in awhile one of them would walk around a kick the poor person on the floor. The rest just continued to drink and cuss and poor gasoline on the fire.
I backed off the wall as quietly as I could, turned and started to make my way around and away from the house. One thing I did not need was trouble from one of these gangs. After all getting killed was easy enough now – a - days without asking for it.
Besides when was the last time anyone helped me out of jam? Damn it! I suddenly stopped. Remembering what had just taken place I felt compelled to get involved. Every instinct told me to keep moving. Mind your own business I told myself. After all I didn’t know what was going on. Maybe that person on the floor wasn’t a prisoner. If they were, hell maybe they deserved it.
Damn as hard as I tried I couldn’t walk away after what had just happened to me.
Okay what now? How the hell am I going to pull that guy’s giblets out of the oven without getting burned?
I turned and headed back toward the wall.