Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I once thought as many people do that there were such things as coincidences. I used to say as many people do when someone was killed in the weirdest way, man, what a coincidence. What are the odds of someone sitting in their living room watching the Price is Right and having a chunk of “Blue Ice” frozen airplane piss fall from a passing airliner crash through the roof and hit the son of a bitch in his pointy head!

Well I no longer say such things because I no longer believe that those things are coincidental.
I believe that each one of us has a way and a date and time that we are going to eat the big tamale and fate will make it happen one way or the other. The book of life may have said that Joe Schmuck will die on such and such a date and time by blunt force trauma to the head. Maybe the book of life will even spell out how it should happen. For example, Joe Schmuck will get into a car accident on the way to work on this particular morning and sustain head injuries that will in fact kill him.
However, even though fate is in charge of the main facts and details of a person’s life it doesn’t get involved with every single facet. You know the whole free will argument.
This being the case, on that particular morning Joe Schmuck called in sick so he could stay home and watch the Price is Right. Well even though the whole car accident thing was foiled the main action could never be, thus the Blue Ice dealio!

What may seem like coincident and weird goings on, is merely fate stepping in to do what fate does, settle matters once and for all.

Now does this mean you can throw caution to the wind and do whatever you want without fear.
Yes, go for it!
After-all the way you die is way you are supposed to die so however that is and whenever that is you can rest assured that it is fate and therefore meant to be and there is absolutely nothing any of us can do about it.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


What is it about this Amendment that people do not understand?

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Actually I know. It is a little confusing for two reasons.

First it was written at a time when people were real and personal freedoms were real and people were not yet spoiled and taking their Rights for granted.

Everyone seems to think this Amendment pertains to the right to posses a firearm. It doesn’t. You have to understand that at that time EVERYONE owned a firearm of some type as a normal course of daily life.
It could not have even been imagined at that time in this country that a person wouldn’t have a firearm much less not been allowed to own one.
There were no police or grocery stores back then. People had firearms to protect themselves against Indians and to hunt for food. The very idea that a person couldn’t possess a firearm would have been as foreign to them as the space shuttle.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state didn’t mean as protection against a foreign enemy either. No, the Right of the people to keep and bear arms means that the founding fathers meant for the people to have the right to stand up against their own government if needed and to have the means to change the government if necessary.

The authors of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights left England in order to escape an oppressive government under a tyrannical ruler. They certainly were not going to allow the government they left behind in England to replicate itself here in the new world!
The whole reason that arms need to stay in the homes and hands of the citizens is because anywhere else such as an armory would be under government control and then would not be accessible if needed.

I think ochman’s razor applies here, the simplest answer is correct. When you read the second half of the Amendment; the Right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It’s simple, stop trying to make it say something it doesn’t! The Right, the right, the right of the people, okay , this doesn’t mean the right of the asshole lawyers or the right of the smart ass lazy, big mouth politicians or the whining little pussies that are afraid of guns or even the Nazi storm trooper cops that don’t want any body to have a gun except them. It means the right of the people, ordinary, everyday Joe citizen. You and me. That is what it means. Only in this way can the people keep the government from getting too powerful and resting control from the people.

Also the word infringed is important here. Infringe means to transgress or to encroach on, in other words it means the slightest little bit of. Okay do you understand, it doesn’t mean that the government just cannot disallow ownership but rather that the government cannot even think about it. Infringe is a much less strict word and it is used here purposely for that reason.

I mentioned there being two reasons why people have a problem with this Amendment, the second reason is simply that people take our way of life and our freedoms for granted these days. They want to be taken care of and to that end are willing to allow the government to run their everyday lives. Many people are under the false assumption that no guns means no gun violence.

In the news this week is the Supreme Court hearing the case against Washington D.C.’s gun ban which prompted this writing. To understand that no guns does not mean no gun violence one only needs to look at Washington D.C. It has had the strongest gun laws in the country and it also has one of the highest crime rates involving guns.

When a person commits a crime with a gun, they go to jail and get free room and board, free education, free exercise and gymnasium privileges and free television. They get taken care of and they do not have to work for a living which is what they wanted when they committed the crime. The people on the other hand now have to defend their right to own guns simply because it’s easier for the system to take guns away from good guys then bad guys.

Many police officers would also like to take guns out of the hands of citizens because they’re lazy, chicken-shits that like the criminals, also do not want to work for a living.
Boohoo, wah, wah, wah poor little chicken-shit cops are afraid to go to work because someone might shoot their ass!
Too fucking bad! If you don’t like it then go work at McDonalds! No one says anyone has to be a cop. I have much admiration for those police officers that take their oaths to uphold the law and to protect and serve the citizens seriously. I have nothing but contempt for the cops and judges that put themselves above everyone else and forget who they’re working for.

Our country today is not at all like the one I grew up in and continues to change for the worse everyday.
If we the people lose our right to keep and bear arms against our government it will cease to be our government and America will join the ranks of the oppressed countries of the world.

Thomas Jefferson -

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing”

Where are you when circumstance demands that a new revolution is justified to save the purpose of the original nation?

We can only hope that the Supreme Court Justices hearing the case on gun bans haven’t been completely infected by the left leaning, liberal, bleeding heart mentality of the fricken democrat queers!

Friday, March 21, 2008

At War Between Will and Will Not

Anyone who has read my blog knows I am a non believer, that is: non-religious and have my own ideas about life and creation and all things human.
However, lately I have been at war with myself between will and will not. Since my son was killed in 2001 I have not touched my guitars or made music. Understand that music has always been and still is very important to me. My thinking was and may still be that even though I do not believe in GOD, just in case I am wrong and the almighty does in fact exist. I figure that if my talent for playing my guitars are GOD given that I would play no more and thus say to the Heavenly Father “Yo big G, you can shove this talent up your harry ass!”
However, if I am to be honest with myself about my beliefs than if I do not believe in GOD then there is no reason to refrain from doing something that I truly love to do on the basis that I am sticking it to the Host of Hosts!
But now I have another issue. Now that I have been true to myself and NOT made music for 7 years, to do so now would feel like betraying myself. It would feel as though I was wusing out on my promise to show the self righteous son of a who knows what, that some people on this planet know he is just a spoiled child with an ant farm and doesn’t give a rats ass about us!
I also must realize that this is coming up because the anniversary of my son’s death is once again coming round. I know I get depressed this time of year and afterward it will pass.
Also I just watched a new DVD release last night, “Dan in real life” where Dan assisting his brother in a family talent show had to play his guitar and sing for the first time since his wife died in order to help his brother win the heart of a woman who Dan later on stole away from him and done the big nasty with!
It will also be apparent that lately the only time I post a new blog is this time of year when my son’s absence is all up in my face.
I plan on removing my son’s coats and hats from the area by my front door this year where they have hung quietly and untouched for the last 7 years. While this seems like a small thing to most, it is quite a big thing to me and once done cannot be undone. Even if I were to put the coats back after removing them it would be me doing it and not him. Very few things of him exist now except memories and the memory of him hanging up and leaving his coats and hats there by the door is one of only a few things that force me to think of him every time I come and go from the house.
Thinking of him is very important to me and that too is fading.