Idle Thoughts

Daily musings and demented, psychotic ponderings

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Location: California, United States

I like music a lot, I played guitar most of my life and even was in a band once. I could spend hours playing music by myself or entertaining others. I was good, maybe even pretty good, but never REALLY good. I have 3 Fender Guitars that now have an inch of dust on them. I haven't touched them since March 25, 2001 and I never will again.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

You'll get it eventually Grasshopper

Is there anything more ignorant and sad then someone who actually believes GOD exists?
Now, I know plenty of people who believe in GOD and many of those people are friends and dear relatives and I love them but, bless their cotton picken little hearts; there just as ignorant as crap on a stick!
I think that when you die you go to where ever you came from in the first place; returning home so to speak and then based on your knowledge and experiences you usually are reborn once again to continue on your journey. Now many things will effect what your next journey will be like. One of those things and not a minor thing is how enlightened you are.
Enlightened you say? What’s that?
Well, enlightenment simply means how close you are to believing in “the real deal”. In other words how close you are to believing in the universal truths.
For example superstitions such as religions and GOD and such will keep you enslaved life after life as a wanna be worker always wishing for something better. Where as throwing off the veil of ignorance and stupidity will move you up the re-incarnation food chain so to speak.
Don’t worry if you think this is horse shit. That simply means “you don’t get it”. But, eventually you will.
When the time comes that you get it “grasshopper”, you may move on.
In the mean time, if you do believe in GOD just look at the news. Who else believes in GOD? Who believes in GOD even more than you do? Who believes in GOD enough to kill and die for their beliefs?
Stupid, ignorant Muslim bastards, that’s who! Now is that the group you really want to be associated with?
I don’t mean Muslims, I mean believers in GOD! Think about how many people on this planet throughout history have died by the hands of someone who believes in GOD and killed for that reason.
Now, let’s take an ignorant test. If you truly believe in GOD enough to kill for that belief and GOD says “THOU SHALT NOT KILL!” And you kill anyway, how fucking dumb are you?
Can you say Osama Bin Laden?

Life sucks and then....well, you know.

Give me a break!!
No, really, give me a break. How many frickin lotto tickets must I buy before I win something?
Hello! If I win a million bucks after spending a million bucks on tickets somehow I don’t think I’ll be further ahead.
Come on! I’m tired of getting up every frickin morning and goin to work! Tired! Tired!! Tired!!!!!
Where the hell is my BOAT?
Did I tell you I want a boat? So I can drive it somewhere sunny and warm!
Being human sucks!!
It sucks, it sucks, it sucks!!
I want what I want and I want it NOW! Now I tell you, right fricken NOW!!!
I’m gonna hold my breath until I get it………………whew! Okay maybe not.

Monday, February 27, 2006

My Kingdom for a Boat!

I need a boat, yes a boat. But not just any boat. I need a 45 foot sailing yacht to take me to those places I want to go.
Those places I need to go. Those places with brown naked body’s and cold cold beer!
Yes I would sail away on my boat to go get drunk on the other side of the ocean.
Along the way I could finally get some rest. Rest I tell you, REST!
I could also fish and play a harmonica as loud as I wanted, disturbing only those fish I caught but hey what do they know? After all they’re just FISH!!
My boat of course would have a satellite dish for television, telephone and internet. I would watch movies drink margaritas and drive my boat. When I got where I was going I would park it and live on it until that particular port through me out. Then I would drive it somewhere else drinking margaritas, playing my harmonica and watching movies along the way.
Yes indeed that is what I need to do and THAT is why I need a boat.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Can we please talk some more about Cheney shooting his friend!!!


My only concern is that all these asshole reporters weren’t hunting with Cheney!

HELLO, there is still a war going on! HELLO, there are still terrorists running around! HELLO, there is still a young American woman being held hostage and threatened with death! HELLO, there is still famine and drought and AIDS in Africa!

Why oh why in the fuck are we giving a shit about who Cheney shot in a hunting accident? Why do we care how long it took to report it? WHO GIVES A DAMN!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Muslims are nothing but ignorant children!!

They didn’t riot in outrage when Muslim fanatics crashed airplanes into the WTC! They didn’t riot in outrage when Muslim fanatics cut the heads off of innocent people in Iraq.
But now they riot and go into a murderous rage over a few cartoons depicting Mohammad as a Muslim fanatic!
Mohammad was just a man on Earth not even a deity but they have killed people over a silly cartoon!
Muslims are bunch of spoiled ignorant little children that need a severe pants down ass spankin!!